Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Those of you who received our Christmas card may wonder what or who J&T stood for in our signature line.

Here's your first glimpse of J&T -

Actually, these are all of T. J was head down and not cooperating for his photo op. We joked since they're identical twins, we've essentially seen both their faces anyway.
and J&T stands for - Jacob and Thomas.

Jacob will be known as Jack. Mike and I have always loved the name Jack. Thomas will be called Tommy. Jack & Tommy. I had suggested Jack and Bobby, but Mike nixed that immediately.

The meaning behind the names. As you know (or not), our sons have had biblical names. Matthew was our first born and now we have Luke. We wanted to continue the tradition so we chose Jacob, who was a twin born holding his brother's heel. Thomas was one of the apostles and means 'twin' in Greek.

So there you have it, Jack and Tommy. Coming soon!


Anonymous said...

aww nice photos and love the names;)

Terri said...

I love the names! And they look great! Were you able to be there when she had this ultasound? I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to see "real" pictures.

Kj said...

such lovely ultra sound shots. and a great "gift" for me today. i really loved seeing these photos.

thanks for sharing. not long now....

Shannon said...

Oh! Lisa! This is awesome :) Love the photos, and I can't wait to meet your new little guys!!

Christy said...

great pics!!!
Im so happy for you!!
Love the names with so much meaning behind them!!
beautiful babes

debi9kids said...

How awesome! When i got your Christmas card, I was actually on the phone with Terri at the time and said, " I wonder if the names will be jake and Thomas"! I was really close!
i remember when we chose Thomas for Will's middle name that i thought it was really cool that it meant "twin".
i am sure these babies are going to be absolutely handsome! can't wait to see them!!!!

Tonya Staab said...

I can't wait to meet these little guys. I'm so excited for you honey. Gorgeous first photos.

Your Christmas Card was gorgeous by the way.

Jen said...

beautiful! love both names. almost named patrick jacob and well....we have a tommy.

Tabbatha said...

Beautiful pictures Lisa!!
Ok Ive been meaning to drop you an email on handling multiple multiples but as you know its been a handful LOL. I will catch up with you soon, I hope.

Tamara Mitchell said...

Holding back the tears...love the pictures and the boy's names!

Sharlene said...

OKay I may sound a little weird but I think the middle picture looks a little like Luke. Can't wait to meet the little buggers!

Angela & Albert Fontenot said...

Wonderful names. Hilariously enough, when I first saw the initials I had tried to guess what they stood for just based on the names of your other children- and I guessed correctly! I love the names and the ultrasound pics are really cool! Can't wait to see newborn pics!

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Congratulations! I fought with my DH to name one of twin boys Thomas but he wouldn't agree to it. My oldest son is Matthew and we also used Biblical names.

Brandi said...

Wow...I never knew that Thomas meant twin! The boys are sure to be just as handsome as Luke is! I say the same thing about the C's. When you have seen one you have seen them both..even though that is so not true now.

liz.mccarthy said...

Lisa, thanks for checking in on me, when are the twins due? I have to get your contact info to put in my address book, for when I'm down in LA again visiting my family maybe we can arrange a get together!

Thanks for your comment on my blog. so hope all is well! Love, Liz M